Jessica Burnam is a story-centered designer with a rich experience spanning fine art, theater, business and film.

Earning a BA in Sculpture from the University of Virginia in 2015, Jessica’s materially diverse installations, sculptures and paintings depict surrealist bodies and dreamscapes. Her work has been showcased in solo exhibitions, residencies, lectures and press.

Professionally trained in theatrical technical production, Jessica is a seasoned scenic painter and an award-winning kinetic puppet designer.

To strengthen her creative leadership, Jessica earned her MBA from The College of William of Mary in 2022. Her thesis explored operational strategies to make material sharing more expedient, financially incentivized and storage freeing for film productions.

As a recent MFA graduate of the AFI Conservatory, Jessica continues to seek opportunities in art directing, set design and production design – vocations that combine her love of artistry and building, storytelling and collaboration, and innovation and project management.


Art Department Resume

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